Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Fur Industry

There is absolutely nothing beautiful or luxurious about wearing fur. I'm not one of the fanatics who dumps flour on people who wear fur but honestly cannot understand those who choose to wear animals for fashion. In general I associate those who wear fur with rich socialites who care little about anything but themselves. There are MANY graphic videos that show the shocking treatment of animals who are used in the fur industry but I'll opt not to post them as they can be quite disturbing and if you area reading this blog it is highly unlikely that you own a fur coat unless it was a hand-me-down from a parent or older relative. My mother actually owns a heavy fur coat made out of muskrats but she grew up in communist Czech Republic so she gets a free pass, although I have to admit I am embarrassed walking down the street with her on those cold winter days when she chooses to wear it. 

Other animals that are harvested for their fur include minks, chinchillas, foxes, cats, dogs, and rabbits. In many countries importing the furs is illegal but selling them domestically is somehow legal. There is also the question about animal by-products; what happens to the animals after they are killed and stripped of their fur? In most cases their carcasses are used in fertilizers, organic compost, massive scale crab bait, beauty products, and worst of all: PET FOOD! So even if one loves animals, owns a pet, and stands firmly against the fur industry, they are probably contributing to the increased spread of it by being misinformed and purchasing products that contain these slaughtered animal's by-products. On a more positive note the seal slaughters are on the decline as more people are being made aware of this senseless Canadian tradition. 

To learn more (and watch a short video) about this horrific industry: Fur Kills and for some FAQ's on the sick seal tradition: Atlantic Seal Hunt

(The love of my cat and hate of my mom's fur coat collide)

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