The average temperature in my neck of the woods varies between -10C and -25C so there aren't many gardens to be seen as of late. There are, however, many winter festivals happening and one of the benefits of extremely cold weather lies in the creation and maintenance of ice sculptures! I have always had a fascination with them and assumed they were as hard to create as regular sculptures. Apparently they are quite easy to mold and cut and as long as the weather stays cold, a small surface area of ice can hold thousands of tons!! All this was part of Winterlude, Ottawa's winter festival from February 1-18th this year. The sculptures are breathtaking, there is some awesome food, and lots of kid-friendly entertainment to be had. 2013 also marks the the year of Korea in Canada which adds a unique twist to the event. A superb festival to check out in the next week if you happen to be near Canada's capital city!
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